Circular world, Welcome!

A sneak peek into the symbiosis of modern Homo Sapiens & the Environment.

Claudio Geyken
2 min readNov 23, 2020

The curtains open and you see, finally, a circular world. A beautiful circular world.

A place where the human use of 1) land, 2)water and 3)air and 4)created pollution as well as a 5)negative impact on other species is as small as possible.

An important reminder: At the core of all human activity are energy and materials.

Today, fossil fuels are gone and everything has been electrified. Electricity is used to produce green hydrogen still needed in some applications. Electricity will be generated from solar and wind. In a minor way and where possible hydropower, geothermal power and biomass will be used. Energy storage will come from electric mobility, stationary storage and green hydrogen. Global warming is stopped.

Any material, even the one used to produce renewable electricity, is extracted at first. To minimize the negative impact of extraction and production; we share, reduce, reuse and recycle everything as much as possible. Mines are properly reforested. No waste is created.

Life and economic activities are less materialistic and energy-intensive. Instead of building a consumeristic economy and one with fast and far away travel, now slower travel and experiences that require fewer resources are predominant.

For all uses there are low impact technologies:

  • Mobility is completely electric and shared, except for rockets and maybe planes which use green hydrogen. Urban spaces that were used for parking, widespread personal mobility and shopping are instead converted to green areas for recreation.
  • Domestic heating and cooling come from heat pumps. Industrial heat is produced with green hydrogen. There is no industrial pollution. Water can be produced via reverse osmosis.
  • Water is desalinated with reverse osmosis using renewable electricity.
  • Any animal product is produced with plants instead of animals thanks to companies like Beyond Meat, so we don’t use animals as sources of food anymore. Not using animal products we freed agricultural area allowing for healthier food, forests and much more than the 15% of the land protected in 2020.

Voilà, but how do we get there? That will be determined by policies, education, technologies and action which will be explored in separate articles.

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Claudio Geyken

RiDERgy Founder & CEO, passionate about circular economy leveraging startups, innovation, synergies between renewable energy & electric mobility and politics.